Business Overview  

Business Overview:
Insuring that your organization has the human resources potential necessary to meet business goals and market competition is a key challenge. That is why your staffing organization and all of its services must be continuously improved.

Welcome to the world of Sullivan Staffing Strategies. We are an executive recruiting and staffing consulting organization whose mission is to help our client companies meet their staffing and employment needs in the most efficient and effective way possible. Whether it's improving your existing processes, or developing creative diversity recruiting strategies, we can help you drive positive change within your organization.

From our experience, we know it can be challenging to find the time to both research best practices and drive them through to implementation. That's where we come in. We have already had the opportunity to research best practices in some of the country's largest staffing organizations. In addition to our many years of Fortune 500 staffing experience, our network of strategic partners provides us extensive staffing consulting and implementation support for specialized staffing products and services.

Our mission:
to assist companies in attracting and retaining
the talent needed to meet business objectives



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